25.09.2012 03:07 PM
Silver Technical Levels and Trading Recommendatios for September 25, 2012

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The H4 chart shows today that silver is still trading between the Support level 33.90 and the Resistance level of 34.25. In case that silver continues its bearish view and manages to break this Support level, it will provide a good opportunity to sell below the Support level as well as will make it possible to reach the Support level of 32.50 as a level target. After that we should wait for breaking out of this Support level to continue the bearish move. In case silver is able to break the Support level of 32.25 and closes 4H below, we will get a bearish strength which will provide new sell signals and enable the Support level of 32.65 as a level target.
On the other hand, if silver reverses its bearish move and takes an upward direction after its rebound from the Support level 33.90 , this will be a strong indicator for the bullish move after closing 4H above the Support level enabling the Resistance level 34.25 again. In this case, we should wait for breaking this Resistance level to continue the bullish view. Based on the given H4 chart, the technical indicators provide sell signals, but as long as the Support level of 33.90 is unbroken, the upward move is still expected and invalidating the downward movement. Therefore, we should wait for more confirmations before making the decision.

Resistance and Support levels


Trading Recommendations

According to previous analysis, we recommend selling in case of closing 4H below the Support level 33.90 with TP 33.35; SL closing 4H above the Support level might be appropriate.

InstaForex Analyst,
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